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Fig. 3 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 3

From: ApoER2-Dab1 disruption as the origin of pTau-associated neurodegeneration in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 3

ApoER2 expression parallels regional, laminar, and cellular vulnerabilities to NFT pathology. Panels AD are coronal sections of the ErC (A), ProS-CA1 border region (B), middle temporal gyrus (C), and transverse sections of the upper pons (D) from one representative middle-aged Braak stage I non-AD control. Soma and neuritic projections are demarcated by arrows and open arrows, respectively. Composite MP-IHC images were used to provide cytoarchitectural and pathological context for single-marker IHC images. ErC (A1–10): LRP8 gene (LRP8M) (A1–5) and ApoER2 protein (A6–10) are strongly expressed by stellate-shaped Reelin-expressing (RELN) neurons in (A1–2,7–8), a subset of L2 pyramids (A3–4), and basal and apical dendritic tufts emanating from L2 neurons (A7–9). A visible laminar threshold (broken arrows in A6–8) for ApoER2 expression was observed near the L2–L3 border (A10); p value based on Wilcoxon rank-sum test. LRP8 and ApoER2 are strongly expressed by a subset of L4 pyramids and surrounding neurites (A5, A9); adjacent L4 neurons with low ApoER2 expression are demarcated by an * in A9. ProS-CA1 region (B1–10): Strong LRP8 (B1–5) and ApoER2 (B6–10) expression was observed in a subset of basal pyramids (B1–2) and neurons localized to the basal stripe (B4–5). Pyramids located in the middle and apical laminae tended to have lower LRP8 and ApoER2 expression (B3). Temporal neocortex (C1–5): Strong ApoER2 expression in a subset of neocortical L3 and L5 pyramids, apical and basal dendritic projections (C3–4), and highly-ramified apical dendritic tufts (C1) located in the vicinity of L2. ApoER2 expression was low or absent in neighboring L3 pyramids (demarcated by * in C2) and most L4 stellate-shaped neurons (C3). A visible laminar threshold (broken arrow in C1) was observed near the L2–L3 border (C5); p value based on Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Pontine LC and raphe nucleus (D1–10): Strong ApoER2 protein (D1–2,6–8) and LRP8 gene (LRP8M and LRP8L) (D3–5,9–10) expression was observed in fusiform-shaped and multipolar LC neurons (D2–5) and in their MAP2-labeled dendritic tufts emanating into the peri-coeruleus region (oval in D2, white arrows in D4–5). ApoER2 (D6–8) and LRP8 (D9–10) are also strongly expressed in neurons and neuritic projections in the raphe nucleus. Scale bars in MP-IHC images = 5µm.

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