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Correction to: Mical modulates Tau toxicity via cysteine oxidation in vivo

The Original Article was published on 04 April 2022

Correction to: Acta Neuropathologica Communications (2022) 10:44

Following publication of the original article [1], it was noted that due to a typesetting mistake, incorrect files for Additional files 6 and 7 were processed.

The correct files for Additional files 6 and 7 are attached to this Correction and have been corrected in the original article. The publisher apologises to the authors and readers for the inconvenience caused by this error.


  1. Prifti et al (2022) Mical modulates Tau toxicity via cysteine oxidation in vivo. Acta Neuropathol Commun 10:44.

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Correspondence to Katerina Papanikolopoulou.

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Additional file 6: Fig. S5

Targeted proteomics to quantify cysteine oxidation. a Extracted chromatograms for the parent ions and isotopes (upper panel) and of its 6 most abundant fragments (daughter ions, lower panel) at the retention time 27.9 min of the NEM and carbamidomethyl labeled 322CGSLGNIHHKPGGGQVEVK peptide from representative samples of Tau and Tau co-overexpressed with Mical. b Spectra of the scan used for the library creation of the NEM (+ 125 Da) and carbamidomethyl (+ 57 Da) modified 322CGSLGNIHHKPGGGQVEVK peptide.

Additional file 7: Fig. S6 a

Representative Western blot of head lysates from flies expressing UAS-htauFLAG−2N4RC322A using elavC155-GAL4;Ras2-GAL4 and UAS-htauFLAG−2N4RC291A using elavC155-GAL4. Star indicates significant differences between the two groups. b Virgin elavC155-GAL4;Ras2-GAL4 females were crossed with UAS-Mic/CyO and UAS-Mic/CyO;UAS-C322A males. Bars represent the mean number of non-CyO bearing progeny over CyO flies ± SEM of the indicated genotypes. c Response of flies expressing UAS-htauFLAG−2N4RC291A upon treatment with paraquat for 28 h. Star indicates significant difference from the transgene without Mical overexpression. Control flies are elavC155-GAL4/+ (grey bar) and Mical are flies that overexpress Mical under the panneuronal driver (black bar). d Memory performance of animals expressing panneuronally the htauFLAG−2N4RC291A transgene (dark grey bar), compared with the same transgene upon co-expression with Mical (black bar). Star indicates significant difference between the two genotypes. Control flies (light grey bars) are driver elavC155-GAL4/+ flies (CN) and flies that overexpress Mical. The number of experimental replicates (n) is indicated within the bars.

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Prifti, E., Tsakiri, E.N., Vourkou, E. et al. Correction to: Mical modulates Tau toxicity via cysteine oxidation in vivo. acta neuropathol commun 10, 63 (2022).

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