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Figure 7 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Figure 7

From: Systemic delivery of P42 peptide: a new weapon to fight Huntington’s disease

Figure 7

NP42T reduces the aggregate number in R6/2 model. R6/2 mice treated with the placebo generate a large number of Huntingtin aggregates in the cortex (in red) (A, A’) and in the striatum (not shown). R6/2 mice treated with NP42T present a decreased number of aggregates in the cortex (B, B’) and the striatum (not shown). The DAPI staining in grey (A’, B’) confirms that the number of cells remains identical. Pictures were obtained by laser confocal microscopy (Zeiss LSM 780). The quantification shows that NP42T reduces the number (C, D), but not the size (E, F) of the aggregates in both the cortex (C, E) and the striatum (D, F). Data represent means +/−SEM (n = 7 per group), and were analysed using Student’s t. test (ns: not significant; ** p < 0.05).

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