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Fig. 6 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 6

From: Histone acetylation in an Alzheimer’s disease cell model promotes homeostatic amyloid-reducing pathways

Fig. 6

EP300/CBP KD results in downregulation of amyloid-reducing compensatory pathway in APPDup neurons. A Schematic of analyzed APP processing pathway genes and their functions within the APP processing pathway. B Amyloid-β reduction and α-secretase pathway activation genes are upregulated in APPDup vs. NDC neurons. Heatmap comparing gene expression of APP processing pathway genes across all APPDup and NDC CTRL RNAi-treated neurons. C, D Amyloid-reducing genes including those upregulated in APPDup neurons are downregulated upon EP300/CBP KD in APPDup neurons (C). Fewer amyloid-reducing genes are downregulated upon EP300/CBP KD in NDC neurons (D). E Aβ42 secretion is increased upon EP300/CBP KD in APPDup but not NDC neurons. Media from EP300, CBP, and CTRL siRNA-treated day 21 neurons was collected and measured via ELISA and measured Aβ42 abundance was normalized to total media protein measured by BCA. F, G EP300/CBP KD does not affect neuron viability or cell count. Day 21 neurons were collected and stained with trypan blue and under counted via hemocytometer microscopy; trypan-blue negativity (F) and trypan-blue negative cell count (G) were recorded to determine viability and cell count number

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