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Table 2 Distribution of neuronal loss with gliosis

From: Clinicopathologic features of two unrelated autopsied patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease carrying MFN2 gene mutation


Patient 1

Patient 2



  Frontal cortex



  Motor cortex



  Temporal cortex



  Parietal cortex



  Occipital cortex (striate cortex)



  White matter*



Subcortical area


  mmon (CA1/subiculum)



  Amygdaloid nucleus



  Caudate nucleus/putamen


–/ N.A.**

  Globus pallidus i/e






  Subthalamic nucleus



  Lateral geniculate body





  Substantia nigra



  Pontine nucleus



  Cranial motor nerve nuclei

(IV/V motor/VI/VII/XII)



  Ambiguus nucleus



  Dorsal vagal nucleus



  Inferior olivary nucleus



  Reticular formation



  Vestibular/cochlear nuclei



  Gracile/cuneate nuclei





  Cortex/white matter*



  Dentate nucleus



  Spinal cord


  Anterior horn (C/Th/L/S)



  Clarke’s nucleus



  Intermediolateral nucleus



  Lateral corticospinal tract*



  Spinocerebellar tract (Vent./Dors.)*



  Anterior funiculus (C/Th/L/S)*


++/+ ± /–

  Posterior funiculus (gracile/cuneate)*



Peripheral nerve


  Dorsal root ganglion (C/L)



  Anterior nerve root (C/L)*



  Posterior nerve root (C/L)*



  Sural nerve*



  Sympathetic ganglion





  Optic nerve*



  1. Neuronal loss with gliosis, +++: Severe, ++: Moderate, +: Mild, –: None, N.A. Not available. i/e: Internal/external segment; Vent. Ventral; Dors. Dorsal
  2. *Loss of myelinated fibers. **Not available due to putaminal hemorrhage