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Table 4 Terminology used to refer to human cerebral multi-lumen microvessel

From: A neuropathologic feature of brain aging: multi-lumen vascular profiles


Term for human cerebral multi-lumen vessel

Definition applied

(Present study)

Multi-lumen vascular profiles (MVP)

 ≥ 3 adjacent vascular lumens enclosed in a perivascular space



 ≥ 3 adjacent vascular lumens, varying in size from 20 to 80 μm

[16, 36, 38]

Vascular convolutes or convoluted vessels (most frequently used prior term[s], overlapping with, but not exactly corresponding to, MVPs)

Not formally defined, but depicted in various published papers in histological, ultrastructural and angiogram preparations. Some of these terms were applied to vessel beds that did not have multiple lumens

[10, 11, 13,14,15,16, 18, 19, 39]

Additional related terms: Vascular loops, vascular bundles, vascular multiplications, vascular glomerular loop formations, vascular wickerworks, "extreme tortuosity, [and] multiplications … of the smallest arterioles and lumpy-bumpy capillaries" (these terms were used in different combinations in various studies, and did not necessarily overlap exactly with MVPs)