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Table 6 Known Alzheimer’s disease risk loci reported in Bellenguez et al. [3] and known Parkinson’s disease risk loci reported in Chang et al. [12] and Nalls et al. [39] which are associated with the corresponding pathology contrasts at the nominal significance level (P < 0.05) [3, 12, 39]. Loci with results discordant in terms of direction of effect are colored orange. Odds ratios in red correspond to the minor allele associated with increased risk, while odds ratios in blue correspond to an association with decreased risk

From: APOE-ε4 and BIN1 increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease pathology but not specifically of Lewy body pathology

  1. For AD risk loci, associations with AD+LB+ vs. ADLB or AD+LB vs. ADLB are shown. For PD risk loci, associations with AD+LB+ vs. ADLB, ADLB+ vs. ADLB, or AD+LB+ vs. AD+LB are shown. Chr:Pos:Minor:Major is chromosome, position (genome build hg38, GRCh38), and minor allele and major allele in our study. Lit. effect is the effect size reported in the literature. MAF is the minor allele frequency in our study