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Fig. 2 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 2

From: Dissection of transcriptomic and epigenetic heterogeneity of grade 4 gliomas: implications for prognosis

Fig. 2

Genome-wide 5hmC and transcriptomic landscapes in grade 4 gliomas and normal brain tissues. A The 5hmC modifications are distinctly distributed across various genomic features. The read counts are normalized to per million counts. TSS, transcription start site; TES, transcription end site; A, splicing acceptor site; D, splicing donor site. B The 5hmC profiles in grade 4 gliomas and normal brain tissues are featured with tissue-specificity with a higher co-localization proportion of brain-derived enhancer markers (H3K27ac), compared with other organs. Distinct correlation patterns are observed for grade 4 gliomas and normal controls between: C local 5hmC features (i.e., promoters and gene bodies); D local 5hmC promoter and gene expression; and E local gene body 5hmC and gene expression. F Dissection of genes with re-wired 5hmC and transcription relationships in grade 4 gliomas. G Shown are KEGG pathways enriched among genes with re-wired 5hmC and transcription relationships in grade 4 gliomas. H The heatmaps show differential 5hmC features (FDR < 0.05) and mRNA transcripts (FDR < 0.05) detected between patients with grade 4 gliomas and normal controls, or between IDH1 (encoding isocitrate dehydrogenase 1) wild-type (WT) tumors (GBM) and mutants (grade 4, IDH mutant astrocytoma) in grade 4 gliomas. FDR, false discovery rate; Molecular subtypes are annotated as C (classical), N (neural), M (mesenchymal), and P (proneural)

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