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Fig. 2 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 2

From: Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor controls the function of CNS-resident macrophages and their contribution to neuroinflammation

Fig. 2

The density of CNS-resident myeloid cells following Igf-1r genetic ablation. A Representative pictures (scale bar 100 μm) and B bar graph illustrating the density of Tomato + microglia in brain and spinal cord sections from IGF-1RWT−tdTomato mice (n = 4, number of cells analysed: microglia brain n = 49, microglia spinal cord n = 28) and IGF-1RKO−tdTomato (n = 4 mice, number of cells analysed: microglia brain n = 45, Microglia spinal cord n = 42). C Representative pictures of Tomato + perivascular BAMs (pvBAMs) in the brain (scale bar zoom-out image: 100 μm, scale bar zoom-in image: 50 μm) and D bar graph illustrating the density of pvBAMs in brain and spinal cord sections (pooled p = 0.0048 together) from IGF-1RWT−tdTomato (n = 4, number of cells analysed: 31) and IGF-1RKO−tdTomato (n = 4 mice, number of cells analysed: 33). E Representative pictures and F bar graph illustrating the density of Tomato + meningeal BAMs (mBAMs) in brain and spinal cord sections from IGF-1RWT−tdTomato (n = 4, number of cells analysed: mBAMs brain n = 31, mBAMs spinal cord n = 13) and IGF-1RKO−tdTomato (n = 4 mice, number of cells analysed: BAMs brain n = 26, BAMs spinal cord n = 20). No statistically significant differences were observed between either group. Statistical analysis performed by unpaired t test with Welch’s correction: brain microglia, p = 0.833, spinal cord microglia p = 0.684, pvBAMs p = 136, brain mBAMs p = 0.828 and spinal cord mBAMs p = 0.3878

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