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Fig. 6 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 6

From: CTCF loss induces giant lamellar bodies in Purkinje cell dendrites

Fig. 6

Temporal analysis of morphological changes in organelles in PCs by SBF-SEM. a, b Toluidine blue staining at P100. Arrowheads indicate PCs. Double-headed arrow indicates the molecular layer (ML). The Purkinje cell (PC) layer and granular layer (GL) are also shown. ce Typical SBF-SEM images of PC dendrites in control mice at P60 (c) and CTCF-cKO mice at P60 (d) and P100 (e). Arrows indicate the dendritic branch points, where GLBs typically form only in CTCF-cKO mice (d, e, arrowheads). fi Morphological changes in the nucleus (Nu) and around the nucleus. Nuclei and Nissl bodies (arrows) are shown in control mice at P60 (f) and P100 (h) and in CTCF-cKO mice at P60 (g) and P100 (i). Arrowheads in (i) indicate swollen mitochondria with reduced cristae. The area marked with a white box is magnified in the inset. jl Morphological changes in mitochondria in PC dendrites. Mitochondria in PC dendrites are shown for control mice at P60 (j) and in CTCF-cKO mice at P60 (k) and P100 (l). Arrowheads indicate thin normal mitochondria (j), slightly swollen mitochondria (k), and swollen mitochondria (l). m Normal mitochondria of parallel fibres (arrows) and processes of Bergmann glia (arrowheads) surrounding a blood vessel (BV) are shown in a CTCF-cKO mouse at P100. n, o PCs in CTCF-cKO mice at P100 that show cellular debris (arrow) without nuclear fragmentation. Scale bars: 100 μm (a, b), 5 μm (ci, n, o), and 1 μm (jm)

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