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Table 1 Summary of results from hiPSC-based schizophrenia studies

From: Current advancements of modelling schizophrenia using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells

  1. The table summarises published studies on hiPSC-based disease modelling of SZ, listed in chronological manner. Abbreviations and terms: ASD: autism spectrum disorder, Ca2+-im: Calcium imaging, cINs: cortical interneurons, CNT: healthy controls, CNV: copy number variation, DA: dopaminergic neurons, DEGs: differentially expressed genes, E-phys: electrophysiology, FC: flow cytometry, sequencing (or single nuclei RNA sequencing), GABA: GABAaergic (inhibitoryt), GLUT: glutamatergic (excitatory), GPCS: glial progenitor cells, hiPSCs: human induced pluripotent stem cell, ICC: immunocytochemistry, LCLs: lymphoblastic cells lines, MDD: major depressive disorder, NSCs: neural stem cells, NGN2: Neurogenin 2, NPCs: neural progenitor cells, OPCs: oligodendrocyte precursor cells, PRS: polygenic risk score, Proteom.: proteomics, SAD: schizoaffective disorder, scRNAseq: single cell RNA sequencing, SZ: schizophrenia, Transcr: transcriptomics (bulk RNA sequencing or microarray), WB: Western blotTranscr, ↑-increased, ↓-descreased