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Fig. 6 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 6

From: Inducing sterile pyramidal neuronal death in mice to model distinct aspects of gray matter encephalitis

Fig. 6

Evaluation of the brain and peripheral immune compartments. a Flow cytometry of brain tissue from DTA and control mice 2 months after 3 × tamoxifen induction. Gating strategy is depicted in the top row. DTA mice showed stronger infiltration of T-helper cells (CD11b, CD45high, CD8, CD4+), cytotoxic T cells (CD11b, CD45high, CD4, CD8+), and increased microglia numbers (CD11bhigh, CD45low). B cell numbers (CD11b, CD45high, CD8, CD4, CD19+) were low in brain tissue of both groups. Macrophage numbers (CD11bhigh, CD45high) were not different. Data from 8–10 mice/group. b Flow cytometry of lymphocytes derived from peripheral blood 2 weeks after 3 × and 5 × tamoxifen induction. Gating strategy in left panel. DTA and control mice showed comparable and physiological numbers of major lymphocyte subsets (right panel). Data from 16–19 mice/group. c HMGB1 ELISA at 2 weeks and 2 months after 3 × or 5 × tamoxifen induction shows no difference in plasma concentrations between groups. Data from 10 mice/group. Data displayed as mean ± SD; 2-tailed unpaired Welch’s corrected t-tests or Mann–Whitney U-tests

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