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Table 1 Clinical characteristics

From: The number of methylated CpG sites within the MGMT promoter region linearly correlates with outcome in glioblastoma receiving alkylating agents


 Male/female, (n/n, %/%)

142 (66.0)/73 (34.0)

Age (years)

 Median (range)

60 (17–86)



 Median (range)

80 (40–100)

Tumor side

 Left/right (n/n, %/%)

117 (54.4)/98 (46.6)

Tumor location

 Lobar/deepa/multifocal (n/n/n, %/%/%)

139 (64.7)/20 (9.3)/56 (26.0)

Surgical treatment

 GTR (n, %)

63 (29.3%)

 STR (n, %)

37 (17.2%)

 Biopsy (n, %)

115 (53.5%)

  1. aDeep seated = not lobarly located (e.g. thalamus or basal ganglia)