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Fig. 8 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 8

From: Intramuscular injection of vectorized-scFvMC1 reduces pathological tau in two different tau transgenic models

Fig. 8

Microglia morphology is unchanged upon treatment. Microglia processes morphology was assessed in both P301S and JNPL3 animals. a Representative images of Iba-1 positive microglia (stratum radiatum of the CA1 subfield of the hippocampus): the processes morphology was scored as 0 (> 15 thin processes with multiple branches), 1 (5–15 thick processes with branches), 2 (1–5 thick processes with few branches), 3 (no clear processes). b Microglia from P301S mice did not show any significant morphological changes comparing controls to treated mice. Each single point represents a single cell (n = 50 cells per group, p = 0.5671, non parametric Mann Whitney test). c No significant changes in microglia morphology were detected in the JNPL3 cohort (n = 50 cells per group, p = 0.9628, non parametric Mann Whitney test). Graphs are expressed as arbitrary unit (a.u.) and means +/− SEM. (AxioImager Z1 microscope, Zeiss; 63x oil and 0.58 μm z-steps)

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