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Fig. 4 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 4

From: Chronic nigral neuromodulation aggravates behavioral deficits and synaptic changes in an α-synuclein based rat model for Parkinson’s disease

Fig. 4

Effect of chronic neuronal activation on α-SYN localisation and phosphorylation levels. a Representative western blot of the nigral sarkosyl soluble fraction. b - d Quantifications of the nigral soluble fraction either for α-SYN relative to the loading control vinculin (VCL) (b), P-S129 α-SYN relative to vinculin (VCL)(c) or the P-S129 α-SYN/total-α-SYN ratio (d) (n = 6, Mean ± SD, Unpaired T-Test). e Representative western blot of the nigral sarkosyl insoluble fraction. f-h Quantifications from the nigral insoluble fractions either for total α-SYN (f), P-S129 α-SYN (g) or the P-S129 α-SYN/total α-SYN ratio (h) (n = 4, Mean ± SD, Unpaired T-Test *p < 0.05). i Representative western blot of the striatal soluble fraction. j - l. Quantifications of the striatal soluble fractions either for α-SYN relative vinculin (VCL)(j), P-S129 α-SYN relative to vinculin (VCL)(k) or the P-S129 α-SYN/total α-SYN ratio (l) (n = 6, Mean ± SD, Unpaired T-Test *p < 0.05). m Representative western blot of the striatal sarkosyl insoluble fraction. n Quantification from the striatal insoluble fraction for total α-SYN. In all graphs the results have been normalized to mCherry/α-SYN+CNO control, which has been artificially set to 1 (n = 4, Mean ± SD, Unpaired T-Test)

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