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Table 1 Table showing the characteristics of the humansamples analysed in the present study. The total number (N) ofsamples and the median age with its interquartile range areshown for every group: Young and aged controls (Con),asymptomatic ALS patients (Asympt.), patients carrying a knowngenetic mutation (gALS) and patients without any identifiedgenetic mutation (sALS)

From: Reduction of ephrin-A5 aggravates disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


Con (young)

Con (aged)

Asympt. ALS



N (f/m)

24 (14/10)

32 (13/19)

21 (14/7)

38 (14/24)

70 (25/45)

Age (yr)

42 (31-50)

63 (57-72)

45 (35-51)

59 (51-67)

65 (56-70)