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Fig. 8 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 8

From: Postnatal development and maturation of layer 1 in the lateral prefrontal cortex and its disruption in autism

Fig. 8

High magnification images of representative neurons and glia in layer 1 of the LPFC in the human brain. a Neurons in layer 1 had a broad range of sizes. In Nissl preparations it was possible to see the nucleus, nucleolus, and a rim of cytoplasm around labeled neurons. In larger neurons it was possible to observe folding of the nucleus (shown with black arrows in figure) (Case HCD). b This large, subpial neuron labeled with CR is likely a Cajal-Retzius cell. This image shows its large cell body and horizontal extensions, along with a descending process which is typical of Cajal-Retzius cells (Case AN4722). c-d CR labeled neurons of multiple sizes and shapes were found in layer 1 of the human cerebral cortex. CR-labeled neurons in layer 1 had multiple orientations within layer 1, including horizontally oriented cells (c) and cells with more typical interneuron morphology (d). e-f CB-labeled neurons were also diverse in shape and size. These neurons may also be oriented horizontally (e) (Case 4722, Case 3835). g Representative PV-labeled neurons in layer 1 (Case 4337). h-i Astrocytes in layer 1 had multiple morphologies. The astrocytes of the glial limitans were compact and formed tight groups (i) (Case HCD). j Three oligodendrocytes in human layer 1 (Case HCD). Oligodendrocytes in human tissue had varied staining characteristics: they could be darkly labeled, as seen in the first two images, or lightly labeled, as shown in the third image. k Microglia in layer 1 had irregularly shaped nuclei, distinguishing them from darkly stained oligodendrocytes (Case HCD). Calibration bar in (k) applies to all panels

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