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Table 3 Morphological analysis of CT100-overexpressing DG granule cells

From: NMDA receptors mediate synaptic depression, but not spine loss in the dentate gyrus of adult amyloid Beta (Aβ) overexpressing mice

GluN1fl/fl 9w pi

Spine numbers

Control (n = 23)

CT100 (n = 6)

GluN1−/−(n= 23)

GluN1−/− + CT100 (n = 10)


1.54 [1.25–1.84]

2.22 [1.95–2.37]

1.73 [1.54–1.9]

1.51 [1.34–1.62]

Kruskal-Wallis: p = 0.0015; Dunn’s posttest: control vs CT100 p = 0.0026; control vs GluN1−/− p = 0.1332; GluN1−/− vs GluN1−/− + CT100 p = 0.1119