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Table 4 Overview of binding of different curcumin forms to different pathological deposits

From: Different curcumin forms selectively bind fibrillar amyloid beta in post mortem Alzheimer’s disease brains: Implications for in-vivo diagnostics

  1. Staining of different pathological deposits by different curcumin forms was qualitatively compared for different plaque types, cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Immuno-histochemical (IHC) stainings for amyloid-beta (4G8, plaques and CAA) and phosphorylated tau (AT-8, NFT’s) are shown for reference. Scalebar 50 μm
  2. ++: clearly visible, +: visible, +/−: visible with appreciation of morphology. *The staining of the core of cored plaques rather than the corona was assessed here
  3. Abbreviations: BDMC bis-demethoxycurcumin, DMC demethoxycurcumin