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Fig. 2 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 2

From: TP53 hotspot mutations are predictive of survival in primary central nervous system lymphoma patients treated with combination chemotherapy

Fig. 2

Histology and immunohistochemistry of PCNSL of the DLBCL-subtype. PCNSL composed of large lymphocytic cells with irregular immunoblastic and centroblastic nuclei, increased number of mitoses, and (a) perivascular-, or (b) diffuse lymphoma infiltration. Immunohistochemical (IHC) marker expression includes (c) CD20+ (B-cell staining) and (d) CD3- (B-cells not staining, reactive T-cells+). IHC staining pattern of p53 protein in PCNSL tissue samples: (e) p53++ (black arrow) in patient ID18 with a hotspot/direct DNA contact MUT-TP53, p.R175H, (f) p53++ in patient ID14 with a hotspot/direct DNA contact MUT-TP53, p.R248Q. (g) p53-, in a patient with WT-TP53, and (h) p53+, in a patient with WT-TP53. Perivascular staining of p53 and neoplastic B-cells (black arrow)

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