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Figure 4 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Figure 4

From: Alcohol-induced apoptosis of oligodendrocytes in the fetal macaque brain

Figure 4

Scene at a caudal (cerebellar/brainstem) level of an alcohol-exposed G120 fetal NHP brain. Panels (a) and (b) are from adjacent sections cut through the cerebellar peduncle. Panel (a) is stained immunofluorescently with antibodies to MBP (green) and AC3 (red), and panel (b) is stained with the silver method. In (a), bundles of heavily myelinated axons are intensely positive for MBP, and numerous cell bodies are intensely positive for AC3, but there are no cell bodies that are stained by MBP. The silver stain in (b) detects numerous dying cells that are present in approximately the same density as was revealed by AC3 staining (a), which supports the interpretation that these two cell death markers are detecting the same population of dying cells, and they have the same morphological appearance as degenerating OLs in more rostral brain regions. Scale bar in b = 50 μM for both panels.

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