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Fig. 5 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 5

From: Bona fide atypical scrapie faithfully reproduced for the first time in a rodent model

Fig. 5

Anatomopathological analysis of ShTgSPON-inoculated compared to atypical scrapie-inoculated Tg338 mice (Ovine VRQ PrPC). a Kaplan-Meyer survival curves comparing ShTgSPON (red) innoculum and an atypical scrapie isolate (blue) incubation periods in the Tg338 mouse model. b Brain lesion and PrPres deposit distribution for the inoculum ShTgSPON (n = 11) and c atypical scrapie in Tg338 mice (n = 12). Brain lesion profiles and PrPres deposition profiles represent the mean semi-quantitative scoring (0–4, vertical axis) of the spongiform lesions (continuous line, blue) and the immunohistochemical labelling of PrPres deposits (dashed line, blue) against 14 brain regions (Pfc piriform cortex, H Hippocampus, Oc Occipital cortex, Tc Temporal cortex, Pc Parietal cortex, Fc Frontal cortex, S Striatum, T Thalamus, HT Hypothalamus, M Mesencephalon, Mob Medulla oblongata, Cm Cerebellar nuclei, Cv Cerebellar vermis, Cc Cerebellar cortex). Notice the striking similarity of the brain profiles obtained with both isolates. Bars: standard error of the mean. d Neuropathological characterisation of the lesions (H&E staining) and PrPres immunohistochemistry (2G11, 1:100) in the brains of ShTgSPON (left panel) and atypical Scrapie (right panel) inoculated Tg338 mice. Both inocula show an identical lesional and PrPres deposition pattern. Notice the selective involvement of both isolates of the different layers of the parietal cortex (III-IV and VI) and hippocampal formation (alveus and lacunosum moleculare) as well as that of the dorso-lateral thalamic nuclei

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