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Fig.4 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications


From: Methylation differences in Alzheimer’s disease neuropathologic change in the aged human brain


Manhattan mirror plot of differentially methylated promoter regions (DMPTs) in the dentate gyrus. Manhattan plots visualizing a the results from differential methylation analysis in promoter associated regions in neuronal signals of the dentate gyrus across NIA-AA A scores (Aβ plaque burden) and b the results from differential methylation analysis in promoter associated regions in neuronal signals of the dentate gyrus comparing individuals with different NIA-AA B scores (neurofibrillary tangle burden). Each dot represents the averaged methylation across all CpGs within a specific promoter region. The top part of each plot contains all promoters that are hypermethylated with a higher Aβ plaque burden or b higher burden of neurofibrillary tangles, and the bottom plot respectively shows all promoters that are hypomethylated. The x-axis displays chromosomes from 1 to 22 from the left to the right. The y-axis is displaying the-log10 FDR p-value as a significance measure for the methylation difference across neuropathological scores. The red dotted line marks the significance threshold of p < 0.05. The blue dots highlight the top 20 significant protein-coding promoters as ranked by log fold change of the methylation beta value. Labels display the name of the associated protein-coding gene for each of the top 20 differentially methylated promoters. DMPT differentially methylated promoter region, NIA-AA National institute of Aging Alzheimer's Association

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