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Table 1 Positive staining patterns of lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) markers in the saccular intracranial aneurysm (sIA) walls

From: Lymphatic vessels are present in human saccular intracranial aneurysms

LEC marker*

sIAs positive for LEC marker

Location in the sIA wall

Cellular /extracellular location

sIAs with lymphatic vessels

Staining pattern within thrombus

Colocalization with LYVE-1 staining in consecutive sections


30/36 (83%)

Adventitial; variation in the extent of staining

Cellular and extracellular

19/36 (52%)

13/17 (76%) single positive cells; lymphatic vessels in2/17 (12%)


32/34 (94%)

Adventitial; large positively stained areas

Cellular and extracellular

23/34** (68%)

14/17 (82%) single positive cells and large, diffuse positively stained areas; lymphatic vessels in 3/17 (18%)

Complete in 8/29 (28%) and partial in 18/29 (62%) samples positive for both stainings


36/36 (100%)

Scattered positive cells in all samples, wide positively stained adventitial areas in 4/36 (11%) samples

Cellular and extracellular

11/36 (30%)

17/17 (100%) large positively stained areas; lymphatic vessels in 0/17 (0%)

Wide positively stained areas in the adventitial side of the wall in 4/36 (11%) samples colocalized completely with the LYVE-1-positive staining


26/36 (72%)

Adventitial; small positively stained areas

Cellular and extracellular;positive nuclei in 12/36 samples

8/36 (22%)

12/17 (71%) single positive cells and small, diffuse positively stained areas; lymphatic vessels in 0/17 (0%)

Complete in 2/23 (9%) and partial in 13/23 (56%) samples positive for both stainings

  1. *LYVE-1 (lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor-1), VEGFR-3 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3), Prox1 (prospero-related homeobox 1)
  2. **In the podoplanin staining, the hematoxylin background staining was faded in two samples by the time of analysis
  3. Therefore, the localization of the positive podoplanin staining could not be analyzed and the samples were discarded from the analysis