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Fig. 4 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 4

From: DNA methylation alterations across time and space in paediatric brain tumours

Fig. 4

Methylation subclassification is stable over time. A The methylation subclass calibrated scores (y-axis) for all included temporal samples, where ≥ 0.9 is a successful classification (indicated by dashed line). There are no subclass switches for successfully classified samples, but indications of if samples with calibrated score < 0.9 are considered. The samples are grouped according to their patient identity (primary tumour to the left, recurrent tumour to the right) and the colour indicates the methylation subclass that received the highest calibrated score (top subclass) for each sample even if that score was below the 0.9 classification threshold. Two patients have three samples each; pTT-2 where the third sample is a metastasis, and pTT-28 which had a second relapse. B Sankey plot over the top subclass for the primary tumour (left) and relapse tumour (right). Note that samples are included in this plot even if the calibrated score is below the 0.9 threshold

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