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Fig. 4 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 4

From: Nuclear alpha-synuclein is present in the human brain and is modified in dementia with Lewy bodies

Fig. 4

Mass spectrometry fractional analysis and aSyn peptide sequence alignment. a Gene ontology cell component enrichment analysis of mass-spectrometry identified proteosome from nuclear (i) and cytoplasmic fraction (ii) isolated from the lateral temporal cortex. Cell component networks are shown as produced from Shiny GO (V 0.66). For each node, darker shading represents significantly greater gene enrichment, node size indicates the number of genes aligning with the specific cellular component node and the thickness of connecting lines demonstrates the magnitude of overlapping genes between nodes. b Peptide mapping to the aSyn amino acid (aa) sequence, unique peptides recovered from mass spectrometry of nuclear fraction are shown in blue and those recovered from the cytoplasmic fraction shown in green. Full length aSyn sequence (NP_000336.1) is shown above with the sequence covered by peptides present in nuclear fraction shown in red. c Principal component analysis (PCA) of the relative abundance of proteins across pooled protein library, demonstrated clear distinction between cytoplasmic (Cyto) and Nuclear (Nuc) fractions. d Fractional composition of nuclear and cytoplasmic preparations, abundance of selective nuclear, cytoplasmic, mitochondrial (mito) and membrane proteins are show, alongside aSyn for comparison. Abundance values are also shown from nuclear (e; aSynNuc) and cytoplasmic (f; aSynCyto). Data expressed as compositional values (log2-median) + SEM. N.S = not significant

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