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Fig. 3 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 3

From: Frontal lobe microglia, neurodegenerative protein accumulation, and cognitive function in people with HIV

Fig. 3

Scoring of Aβ plaques in frontal cortex by immunohistochemistry with antibody 4G8 (a-d), and representative images of low density, unscored p-tau pathology detected by immunohistochemistry with antibody AT8 (e–f). Severity ratings of frontal Aβ are illustrated: (a) rare: isolated plaque (score 0.5); (b) mild: more than 3 plaques in a single region (score 1); (c) moderate: multiple plaques in multiple discontinuous regions of cortex (score 2); and (d) severe: numerous plaques confluent throughout the cortical ribbon (score 3). Panels (e, f) demonstrate p-tau pathology; a neuronal tangle can be seen in low power (e), and the region outlined by a rectangle is shown in higher power in (f), with an isolated neurofibrillary tangle indicated by an arrow, and threads indicated by an asterisk. Panels (a-e) scale bar 100um, panel (f) scale bar 50um

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