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Fig. 10 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 10

From: Impaired SorLA maturation and trafficking as a new mechanism for SORL1 missense variants in Alzheimer disease

Fig. 10Fig. 10

Prediction of interactions between amino acid residues in human SorLA Vps10p domain (PDB ID 3WSY) by DynaMut. The WT and variant residues are colored in green and are represented as sticks alongside the surrounding residues that are involved in any type of interactions. Amino acids involved in interactions are labelled in black and labels are placed next to Cα atoms. The colors of the contacts are based on the following: red, polar (including hydrogen bonds); orange, weak polar; yellow, mixed ionic van der waals; blue, cation π; and gray, hydrophobic (including carbon π). Interactions between the local amino acids of the WT and (A and A′) the S124R variant; (B and B′) the R332W variant; the N371T variant (C and C′); the S577P variant (D and D′); the R654W variant (E and E′)

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