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Fig. 3 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 3

From: TREM2 modulates differential deposition of modified and non-modified Aβ species in extracellular plaques and intraneuronal deposits

Fig. 3

TREM2 deletion leads to increased N3pE-Aβ deposits in 5xFAD transgenic mouse brains. a Representative images showing deposition of N3pE-Aβ, nmAβ, and Aβ (4G8) in SSC of male 15 M old-5xFAD-TREM2−/− and  TREM2+/+ mice (scale bar = 200 µm, 20x). b Dot plots representing  number of plaques/mm2, c Box and whiskers plots showing plaque size (µm2) stained with N3pE-Aβ and Aβ(4G8) antibodies in the SSC, RSC, and DG of the male 15 M-5xFAD-TREM2−/− and  TREM2+/+ mice. d Ratio of N3pE-Aβ/nmAβ in the SSC, RSC, and DG of male 15 M-5xFAD-TREM2−/− compared with TREM2+/+ mice. e Representative images showing deposition of N3pE-Aβ, nmAβ, and Aβ (4G8) in SSC of male 5 M-5xFAD-TREM2−/− and  TREM2+/+ mice (scale bar = 200 µm, 20x). f Dot plots representing number of plaques/mm2, g Box and whiskers plots showing plaque size (µm2) stained with N3pE-Aβ and Aβ (4G8) antibodies in the SSC, RSC, and DG of male 5 M-5xFAD-TREM2−/− and  TREM2+/+ mice. h Ratio of N3pE-Aβ/nmAβ in the SSC, RSC, and DG of male 5 M-5xFAD-TREM2−/− compared with TREM2+/+ mice. Each dot represents average value of the number of plaques or the ratio of N3pE-Aβ/nmAβ per animal. The box and whiskers plots represent min/max values of distribution of plaque size with the median (shown by the line dividing the box) and the dot plots represent mean ± SEM (n = 5 animals, color- blue (5xFAD-TREM2+/+) and green (5xFAD-TREM2+/+), unpaired t-test with Welch's correction for analysis of the number and ratio while Mann–Whitney test for plaque size, nsp > 0.05, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 or ****p < 0.0001)

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