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Fig. 2 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 2

From: The degree of astrocyte activation is predictive of the incubation time to prion disease

Fig. 2

Region-specific response of astrocytes to prions in animals infected with ME7, 22L or SSLOW. (a) Ordered heat map of individual samples from animals inoculated i.p with ME7, 22L or SSLOW and control groups. (b) Strain profiles for female and male groups inoculated i.p. with 22L, ME7, or SSLOW. The profiles were built using the number of DEGs (linear fold change ≥  ± 1.2; n = 3; p < 0.05) in cortex, hippocampus, thalamus and hypothalamus. (c) Inverse correlation between the sum of DEGs in all four regions and the time to disease (dpi) in female and male mice inoculated i.p. with 22L, ME7, or SSLOW (n = 3). Bars represent the standard deviation in the time to terminal disease (n = 3). Th, thalamus; HTh, hypothalamus; Ctx, cortex; Hp, hippocampus; F, females; M, males

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