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Fig. 1 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 1

From: In vivo RyR1 reduction in muscle triggers a core-like myopathy

Fig. 1

RyR1 mRNA and protein decrease after tamoxifen injection in the RyR1Flox/Flox::HSA-Cre-ERT2 mouse model. a LoxP sites were inserted on both sides of exons 9-11 in the RyR1 WT allele to create the RyR1-flox allele. After recombination, the RyR1-Rec allele is deleted with exons 9-11. The primers used for the RT-q-PCR amplification of RyR1 transcript of panel care represented by the red arrows respectively in exon 103 and 104. b The animals were injected with tamoxifen to induce the recombination at 2 months of age (D0), and were analyzed at variable times thereafter. c The relative amount of mRNA compared to beta-actin, HPRT and GAPDH as reference genes were evaluated using RT-q-PCR in quadriceps muscles of n = 3–6 different mice at each time point, and is presented as mean ± SEM for each time. The amount in CTRL littermate was set to 1. The quantification was performed using the ∆∆Ct method. Statistical analysis: One way ANOVA with Holm–Sidack’s test for multiple comparisons. d The relative amount of RyR1 compared to myosin heavy chain was evaluated using quantitative Western blot in quadriceps homogenates of n = 3–6 different mice at each time point. The initial amount was set to 1. e Representative Western blot of RyR1 on CTRL and RyR1-Rec quadriceps homogenates at different time points, using myosin heavy chain as a control of protein amount. Statistical analysis: One way ANOVA with Holm-Sidack’s test for multiple comparisons

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