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Fig. 1 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 1

From: Regional correlation of biochemical measures of amyloid and tau phosphorylation in the brain

Fig. 1

Heat map of Abeta42 concentration across different brain regions. Nine–eleven brain regions from six participants with different stages of ADNC (NIA-AA stages A0–A3 for amyloid deposition derived from Thal Abeta phases 0-5, and stages B0–B3 for Braak NFT stages 0-VI) were analyzed for Abeta42. Soluble and insoluble Abeta42 concentrations (ng/g of tissue) in brain homogenate are summarized. The data below limit of quantification (1.2 ng/g of tissue) are described as “< 1.2”. Gray: tissue was not available

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