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Fig. 3 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 3

From: Differential gene methylation and expression of HOX transcription factor family in orbitofacial neurofibroma

Fig. 3

HOX family transcription factors are hypomethylated in orbitofacial neurofibromas. Genomic maps demonstrating promoter hypomethylation of HOXC8, HOXC6, HOXC4 and HOXA6 in orbitofacial neurofibromas. The x-axis corresponds to the chromosome location of individual HOX genes differentially methylated regions (DMR) in or near the promoter in orbitofacial NF (pink dots and plot) vs non-orbitofacial NF (blue dots and plot). The y-axis demonstrates the methylation status near the gene of interest as Beta values. Beta values closest to 0 denote decreased methylation, and values closest to 1 increased methylation. HOX transcription factor genes are relatively hypomethylated in orbitofacial NF compared to non-orbitofacial NF

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