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Fig. 7 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 7

From: Abnormal mitosis in reactive astrocytes

Fig. 7

Location of BubR1 and BUB3 in mitotic astrocytes. a-f Normal mitoses. In prophase (a) and metaphase (b-d) BubR1 and BUB3 are found in kinetochores and centrosomes (arrows). a1 – single optical slice from stack of images in (a). Note the abundance of microtubules visualized with TPX2 covering the nucleus. e, f In anaphase BubR1 and BUB3 are distributed between segregated daughter chromosomes. g, h Immunoreactivities for BubR1 and BUB3 predominated in kinetochores of lagging chromosomes (arrows). i, j In arrested mitoses many foci of BubR1 and BUB3 immunoreactivity are not associated with chromosomes. i1 and j1 – single optical slices from stacks in (i and j), respectively. j1 – enlarged area in j with chromosomes, GFAP immunostaining is not shown. All images were obtained with confocal microscope. Scalebars: a-h = 5 μm,i = 8 μm,  j = 20 μm, j1 = 8 μm

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