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Fig. 14 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 14

From: DNA repair deficiency and senescence in concussed professional athletes involved in contact sports

Fig. 14

Correlation between stage of yH2AX staining and burden of tau pathology (a). Controls had no history of mTBI and no pathology (AD cases were excluded from controls in the figure). In the control group, no γH2AX was found. However, mTBI brains with no tau pathology presented with expression ranging from none to stage 2. The association between p-tau pathology and γH2AX expression was not statistically significant and mTBI cases with mild or severe tauopathies ranged from no no γH2AX to stage 3 γH2AX. The mean level of yH2AX staining in the no tau, mild tau, and severe tau groups were 0.6, 1.2, and 1.6, respectively, increasing progressively. In some cases of severe tauopathy γH2AX was not detected by immunohistochemistry (b)

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