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Fig. 1 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 1

From: Regulation of dopamine neurotransmission from serotonergic neurons by ectopic expression of the dopamine D2 autoreceptor blocks levodopa-induced dyskinesia

Fig. 1

Experimental design and model validation. a Experimental timeline showing LID-inducing L-DOPA paradigm, motor behavior evaluations, and DA agonist treatments. AIM score ratings were taken at each injection where indicated. b and c Representative TH immunoreactivity in the striatum (b) and substantia nigra (c) showing complete loss of TH-positive neurons and projections following 6-OHDA lesions (scale bar = 1 mm). d Total enumeration of remaining TH neurons in the substantia nigra. e and f IHC for the D2 receptor (e) or GFP (f) in the DRN, showing successful targeting of the structure and robust expression of the transgene (scale bar = 1 mm). Cell bodies were efficiently transduced in the DRN (e and f, bottom insets, scale bar = 50um) and could be seen filling projection fibers in the peduncles (e and f, top insets, scale bar = 50um). k-p Dual labeling transgene expression and SERT in rAAV-D2Rs k-m and rAAV-GFP (n-p) animals. Transgene expression was visualized with D2Rs (l) or GFP (o) staining, and serotonin fiber and cell integrity were confirmed by staining for SERT (m and p). No adverse effects on SERT fibers were observed following vector transduction with either construct (k and n) (k-p scale bar = 100um)

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