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Fig. 6 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 6

From: Compromised astrocyte function and survival negatively impact neurons in infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

Fig. 6

Ppt1 deficient (Ppt1−/−) neuronal cultures exhibit altered culture composition and impaired survival. a To analyse neuronal cell death and visualise neuronal morphology, WT and Ppt1−/−neuronal cultures were stained for Map2 and CC3. Pictures of 14 day old cultures stained with nuclear marker DAPI (blue), showing more Map2 positive cells (green) in Ppt1−/−neuronal cultures labelled with CC3 (red) that in WT cultures. Arrows indicate CC3/ DAPI positive cells in WT cultures and Map2/CC3/DAPI positive cells in Ppt1−/− neuronal cultures. Scale bar = 50 μm. b Significantly fewer neurons were positively stained for parvalbumin/calretinin/calbindin in Ppt1−/− neuronal cultures, indicating that fewer inhibitory neurons are present than in WT neuronal cultures after 7 days in vitro. c The percentage of CC3 positive cells did not differ between WT and Ppt1−/−neuronal cultures after 9DIV, but was significantly higher in Ppt1−/−cultures after 14DIV. d Ppt1−/−neurons stained for Map2 had significantly smaller soma sizes after 7, 9 and 14 days in vitro (DIV) compared to WT neurons. (Data shown as Mean ± SEM using a one way ANOVA, n = 3)

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