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Figure 2 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Figure 2

From: Reelin immunoreactivity in neuritic varicosities in the human hippocampal formation of non-demented subjects and Alzheimer’s disease patients

Figure 2

Summary of stereological analyses of Reelin-positive deposits in ND versus AD individuals. A-E) Scatter plots of the estimated density of filled and hollow deposits in different areas in the human hippocampus representing the % area covered by Reelin deposits in relation to the total region of interest (AF, Area Fraction). Horizontal lines represent group average. Statistical analysis yielded a significant group effect for the subiculum (F(1.28)=4.312, p=0.047), and showed a similar trend for the pre/parasubiculum (F(1,26)=3.21, p=0.085). Note that 4 out of 8 ND and 5 out of 8 AD hippocampi blocks were dissected at a level where no EC was present. F) Overview of estimated filled and hollow deposit densities across the five brain areas analyzed. Values are displayed in box plot graphs, with the box dimension indicating the 75th (top) and 25th percentile (bottom) and the mean line. The upper and lower error bars indicate the minimum and maximum, respectively. One way ANOVA analysis revealed a significant main effect of deposit type in all areas analyzed that was independent of the dementia status: 1) fornix: F(1,26)=11.45, p=0.002; 2) SLM: F(1,28)=14.34, p=0.001; 3) subiculum: F(1,28)=15.52, p=0.001; 4) pre/parasubiculum: F(1,26)=13.52, p=0.001; 5) entorhinal cortex: F(1,10)=20.95, p=0.001, statistical significance was set at p<0.05.

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