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Fig. 2 | Acta Neuropathologica Communications

Fig. 2

From: MYC overexpression and SMARCA4 loss cooperate to drive medulloblastoma formation in mice

Fig. 2

Loss of SMARCA4 and MYC overexpression cooperate to drive brain tumor formation in vivo. (A) Schematic overview of the cell culture and transplantation protocol for the generation of SMARCA4-deficient MYC-overexpressing tumors. (B) Tumor-free survival of transplanted CD1nu/nu mice; grey area represents the 95% confidence interval. Censored mouse at day 80 had to be sacrificed due to illness unrelated to tumor development. (C) Representative HE staining of tumors in the brains of n = 5 transplanted mice in sagittal brain section. (D,E) High-power HE stainings of distinct areas within the tumors showing (D) anaplastic or (E) apoptotic features. (F) Tumors show complete loss of SMARCA4 in IHC interspersed with SMARCA4-positive blood vessels. (G) PCR using DNA isolated from tumor biopsies confirms Smarca4 recombination on a genetic level. (H-I) Tumors stain positive for (H) GFP and (I) MYC, confirming transduction with the MYC-GFP construct. (J) Tumors are highly proliferative as indicated by Ki67 stainings; (K) with a high degree of apoptosis according to Cleaved Caspase-3 (CC3) signals. (L-O) Tumors show scattered expression of (L) SOX2 and (M) Nestin but no signal for (N) NeuN or (O) OLIG2. Scale bar corresponds to 2 mm in C, to 25 μm in D + F (also applicable to E, H, J-O), and to 50 μm in I

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